Bye-bye Kliemannsland

Bye-bye Kliemannsland

It was great: the first Kliema meeting!
For one weekend, the stage belonged to those who want to make the world a better place. Among them, of course, we from recable.

Thank you for all the great conversations with so many wonderful people, for all the interest and the exciting exchange. It was great!

Bye-bye Kliemannsland

The first Kliema-Treff was amazing!
For one weekend the stage belonged to those who want to make the world a better place. Among them were of course also us from recable.

Thank you for all the great conversations with so many wonderful people, for all the interest and the exciting exchange. It was awesome!


Kliema Meeting 2022

Workshop in Kliemannsland

Cable Construction Workshop Kliemannsland

DIY cable construction and repair

recable charging station at the Kliema Treff

repairable charging cables in Kliemannsland

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